We want to elevate the voices of professional artists and share about the amazing work they are doing. This feed is a way for artists to encourage one another; This is also a way to encourage young, aspiring, or once-was-an-artist-but-now-not folks.
Watch this video to learn a little more:
What Do I Submit?
You can submit in the form of a video, a poem, a piece of art with an explanation, sharing a story of you growing as an artist - anything! Maybe start with the question, "what would I have needed to hear, when I was starting out as an artist?" And GO!
Keep your encouragement short & to-the-point. You have LOTS of good advice to share, no doubt. Let folks hear your short encouragement and then they can go to your social media or other platforms to hear more of what you think!
Here’s how to do it:
Think about what you want to share
Draw it, write it, record it
Go to our encouragement form
Watch your thoughts bless other artists on their journey